5 Ingredients which must include in homemade dog food
Saturday, February 1, 2014 by Unknown
Do you remember the deadly dog food from China, which was responsible for the deaths of so many little pets across America? If it happened people were outraged and contacted officials learn how to prevent it. But time passed, and new questions what are at the top of the news now?
Although some of us have not forgotten, what should we do? Many have to make their own dog food at home. Yes, its time consuming, but its worth the effort to protect the dearest for ourselves and our families.
The basic equation for a balanced and healthy dog food is 25% meat and 75% carbohydrates. A simple dog food is recipe: combine and cooking brown rice, ground meat, vegetables, water and a small amount of Brewers yeast.
How much water do you use? Well, it depends whether the food should be wet or dry. Forget you also first easily can digest to the vegetables in the food processor as dogs do not.
Most of the food that people eat are okay used in homemade food is. Both rice and flour are good ingredients and liver, tuna, beef to use the preferred meat lamb or chicken. The most vegetables are fine.
Never use chocolate, raisins, coffee, nutmeg, raw eggs, onions or any food that is made in a shape or a mold. Contain no fruit pits because they can contain cyanide.
Experiment with different mixes and youre sure to find some love your dog, and you have to know the peace of mind, where it by came and whats inside.
Go for more dog food recipes to http://www.dog-training-outlet.com
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